Good Luck Symbols – Chase Away the Bad Juju!

There are so many good luck symbols that most people don’t know them all. In this article, you can find the most powerful good luck charms and which countries they are popular in. We also have some interesting questions to test your knowledge about the lucky symbols used every day.

Symbols  of Good Luck

In our article, you will find not just a good luck charms list. We have prepared a few examples of where and how the lucky objects are used and their effect. In addition to that, we have a short quiz to check your knowledge of some of the most popular talismans. Read on to find out which are the bad luck charms you should avoid. At the end of the article, we answered some of the most popular questions regarding good luck.

What are Good Luck Symbols?

The list of symbols of good luck stretches over charms, talismans, mojo bags, tattoos, colours, numbers, phrases, daily objects, and more. Overall, any personal belonging can be labelled “lucky” if its owner is certain that it brings fortune and prosperity in every situation. We will begin our article with the popular types and symbols of good luck around the world.

Good Luck Symbols Worldwide

Any person has used one of the good fortune symbols at a certain point in life. Selecting the symbol may be a matter of personal choice, but most of the time is due to local folklore traditions. In the table below we collected some of the popular charms and talismans on different continents. You might have heard of some of them, while others may seem completely strange. They all have a story behind their creation and work when you believe in them.

🗺️ Continent 🍀 Good Luck Symbols
🦓 Africa Ankh, Mojo Bags, Ama-Khubalo, Ethiopian Coptic Cross, Lucky Dodo, Scarabs
🐼 Asia Number 7, Crystals, Laughing Buddha, Maneki Neko, Daruma Doll, Ashtamangala, Bamboo, Fish, Tattoos, Swastika, Nazar Evil Eye, Ta’weez, Elephants
🦘 Australia Frog, Hei-Mataau, Hei-Tiki
🐎 Europe Clover, Crystals, Horseshoes, Ladybug, Acorns, Corno Portafortuna, Number 7, Rabbit’s Foot, Wishbone
🦅 North America Horseshoes, Dreamcatcher, Crystals, Number 7, Rabbit’s Foot, Wishbone
🦙 South America Peccary Tooth Good, Red Ribbon, Chanchito, Carrulim, Tumi

Undoubtedly, we had missed many of the lucky symbols worldwide, and we may extend the topic in a future article. The current list of good luck talismans should be enough for anyone searching for the next luck, love, or prosperity charm. Many of the items above are used by superstitious people, soldiers, drivers, and more. Many of the players at the best UK casino sites for 2025 also add a lucky charm to enhance their gambling strategy.

Types & Shapes of the Lucky Symbols & Charms

The most powerful good luck charms have different shapes, sizes, appearances, and meaning to their owner. For example, in the movie Maverick (1994), Maverick had a lucky shirt he loved very much. We won’t give away spoilers, but even though the lucky charm was destroyed, Maverick still won the poker game. Apart from lucky clothes, here are a few examples of lucky items and when they are used:

Holidays and Daily Life Holidays & Daily Life Lucky Charms Good luck is something people wish for during important moments in their life. For example, New year’s kisses at midnight, opening the doors, and the fireworks aim to chase away bad luck and bring in prosperity. Weddings, birth, and birthdays also have their traditions and customs to bring good fortune. It is proven that travellers often touch a relic, talisman, or say a prayer before going on a trip.
Religious Lucky Symbols Religious Lucky Symbols From ancient to modern, religions have always had symbols and blessings protecting their carrier. People are ready to boil the hell out of the water to make holy water or rub Buddha’s belly. Today, anyone can carry Pagan, Wiccan, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish, Voodoo, Hoodoo, and every other symbol to avoid being served Karma according to the Hindu beliefs.
Shapes, Forms and Sizes Charms’ Shapes, Forms & Sizes When watching movies like It Could Happen to You (1994), we can’t help but wonder what talisman can bring us lottery prize. Many people have more than one lucky charm or combine lucky colours and clothes. There might be lucky keys, toys, good luck tattoo symbols, and even lucky animal parts like a rabbit’s foot. Just think before you find yourself with a heart of a lion in hand and a lifetime ban from the zoo.

Experts make most good luck symbols personalised for the carrier. We recommend you avoid charms sold by short fortune-tellers who escaped from prison and are now wanted as mediums at large. But people don’t always need a witch or a priest to create a talisman. Sometimes simple observation of the events is enough to show which item helps you gain prosperity and which one slows you down.

Good Luck Charms & Symbols Quiz

Good Luck Charms

Now that you know which are the most popular good fortune symbols used by superstitious people and gamblers playing at the top new casino sites in the UK, we will check your knowledge. Below, we have a few interesting quiz questions and links to their answers in the article’s next section. Let’s see how many questions you can answer.

  • Which “high-five” symbol brings good luck?: Here’s a hint: we are talking about an Arabic good luck symbol known worldwide. Answer.
  • 🍀 Why should you never iron a 4-leaf clover?: This riddle refers to one of the Irish good luck symbols, which spread with the Irish immigrants. Answer.
  • 🦴 Which broken bone brings luck?: This traumatologist’s joke is hard to get, but people believe that a certain broken bone can bring luck. Answer.
  • 💤 What chases away bad dreams?: Having a peaceful sleep is essential, so there is no wonder people created protection from bad dreams. Can you guess what it is? Answer.
  • 📺 What lucky charm jinxed Dean and Sam?: This question is for the Supernatural TV series fans. Here is the hint: the object we talk about was in “Bad Day at Black Rock” season 3, episode 3, and Bobby said about it “You see, you touch it, you own it. You own it, sure, you get a run of good luck to beat the devil. But you lose it, that luck turns. It turns so bad that you’re dead inside a week”. Answer.

We are sure that you already know the answers to our riddles. Everyone else can check the next section of the article. There, we gave the answers to our quiz questions and added some extra details about the lucky charms.

Good Luck Charms & Symbols Quiz Answers

The good luck charms mentioned below are amongst the most popular in the world. They are very important to countless people who use them daily. Even if you have already answered the questions in the previous section, there might still be some interesting information here.

Which “High-Five” Brings Good Luck?

Hand of Fatima

Answer: Hamsa Hand or the Hand of Fatima.

This open hand with an eye at the centre of the palm is a popular good luck symbol worldwide. The origins of the hand are both in Jewish and Muslim cultures. Most people wear it as protection from the evil eye, to bring happiness to the household, or prosperity in businesses affairs.

Why Should You Never Iron a Four-Leaf Clover?

Answer: You don’t want to press your luck!

The four-leaf clover is one of the most ancient good fortune symbols. It is considered lucky because it is calculated that there is just 1 four-leaf clover on every 10,000. The belief began in Ireland, and later on, the clover’s mystical powers spread worldwide. It is believed that leaves represent love, faith, hope, and good luck, but people associate them also with fame, wealth, and health.

Which Broken Bone Brings Luck?

Answer: Wishbone or “Furcula” (Latin for “little fork”).

This is one of the strange animal-product-based good luck symbols. The luck ritual requires two people to make a wish and pull the bone in different directions. It is believed that whoever has the larger part after the bone breaks will have his wish fulfilled. This wish-making was first recorded in the 17th century, and the bone was called “merrythought”.

What Chases Away Bad Dreams?

Native American Dreamcatcher

Answer: Dreamcatcher.

This is one of the Native American good luck symbols derivative from the belief of the spider’s mystic and protection powers. The dreamcatcher is handmade and consists of a willow hoop, over which a web is woven. This good luck charm was initially created as a talisman. Still, it can have different purposes depending on its materials and decoration (feathers, beads, shells, and more). The dreamcatchers are traditionally hung over a cradle or bed, but they can be hung outside or close to doors.

What Lucky Charm Jinxed Dean and Sam?

Answer: Dean: Is that a rabbit’s foot? Sam: I think it is.

The rabbit’s feet as symbols of good luck spread through many cultures. They are common in the Hoodoo tradition, where it is believed that it calms down bad spirits. In the Pagan times, the lucky rabbit’s foot was given to adolescent boys after their first hunt as a sign of rite of passage into adult life. During the middle ages in Europe, it was believed that rabbits were shape-shifting witches, so people wore the foot to warn the evil witches to stay away.

Bad Luck Charms vs Good Luck Symbols

If you have ever visited the top gambling cities you have seen people standing in front of casinos and spitting over their shoulder or rubbing a mystic object before hiding it in the pocket again. You can even use some special rituals for luck before you play at a new live dealer casino online. Those rituals aim to activate the “most powerful good luck charms” the player has brought and ward away the bad luck.

Alongside the multiple items bringing prosperity and happiness, there are also many bad luck charms. When everything seems against them, many people think they’re in the wrong lane and change direction. Others in the same condition blame magic and bad omens. Here are some examples of bad luck symbols, charms, and talismans most people avoid:

Bad Luck Omens and Animals Bad Luck Omens & Animals When is it bad luck to see a black cat? When you are a mouse. Besides this, cats, ravens, snakes, spiders, or any other animal are just creatures living their own lives. The fact that they crossed your path simply means that you are both in the same place at the same time. Taking them as a bad sign will scare you more than any bad juju they can bring.
Bad Luck Numbers and Letters Bad Luck Numbers, Letters & Objects Every calendar’s days are numbered, and there is inevitably number 13. The fear of this digit comes from the chase and murder of the Knights Templars, which happened on Friday, 13th October 1307. Unlike us, the Chinese see the number 4 as bad because it is spelled like “death”. Many people fear other numbers, letters, or even words. The fear goes even further because every object may seem like a bad luck bringer, and there are even many documented phobias.
Negative Energies, Jinxes, Spells Negative Energies, Jinxes & Spells What room do ghosts avoid? Well, it’s the living room. This sounds like a joke to us, but many people avoid certain places because there are ghosts or witch houses, cursed or jinxed in any other way. That is why many superstitious people protect themselves from negative energy and stay away from all places that feel evil.

The symbols of good luck are essential to the psychology of gambling. Even players without a special ritual or talisman see some numbers as lucky, meaning profitable, while others as unlucky. This belief stretches over the world and in every aspect of life. Every person is superstitious and uses a charm, religious symbol, tattoo, item, colour, or anything else as a good luck bringer.

Good Luck Symbols Interesting Questions

We collected interesting questions about the good luck symbols, and now we will answer them. The answers below are short, so if you wish to find out more, the links will take you to the relevant part of our article.

*️⃣ What are good luck symbols?

The good luck symbols include anything and everything bringing good luck. The list stretches over religious symbols, personal items, magic charms, talismans, and more. In our article we mention some of the most popular good fortune symbols, their origin countries, and where they are most popular.

*️⃣ What do you know about good luck symbols?

If you think that you know a lot about the items bringing prosperity and luck, then check our good luck charms quiz. The few questions may seem like a child's play to most of our readers, but we are sure that many may be puzzled. After the quiz , we provided answers and details about the lucky symbols and charms.

*️⃣ Where can I find answers to the good luck symbols quiz?

The answers to our quiz about the symbols of good luck can be found in our article. Just scroll up until you see Good Luck Charms & Symbols Quiz Answers or follow the link. We not only answered the questions of our quiz but also gave extra info about each lucky charm.

*️⃣ Are there bad luck charms besides the good luck symbols?

As if to balance the countless good fortune symbols, life created many bad luck charms. Chasing away evil is the first step towards a happy life, so there is no wonder why people buy protective and good luck items when they see the number 13, black cats, broken mirrors, and other scary omens.

*️⃣ Are good luck symbols popular?

In our article, we have a section for the lucky charms and symbols worldwide. There, you can find the most powerful good luck charms on every continent. Even though a certain culture created those items, they are popular around the globe. Anyone who needs cash can rub Buddha or get a Maneki Neko cat for their desk.

*️⃣ What good luck symbols are there?

There are many types of good luck symbols. Overall, the symbol or charm has different meanings and applications for each person. For example, universal symbols like the clover mean love, health, money, or happiness to different people. There are also many personalised items created for a specific person and have a special purpose.

*️⃣ What is a good luck charm for money?

The four-leaf clover is one of the most popular good luck symbols. Many people believe that this tiny and hard-to-find plant can bring fortune, health, love, and success. If clovers are hard to find in your region, you can also try the Maneki Neko, laughing Buddha, fish scale, pigg statue, and more lucky charms.

*️⃣ How do you get rid of bad luck in gambling?

The belief that a rabbit's foot can chase away evil has been around for centuries. That is why many superstitious people and gamblers use it before entering a casino. If having a dead animal body part in your pocket is too much for you, then try alternative good luck charms, lucky colours, or bet on your lucky number.

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